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An early spring means caution for cranberries

News & Blog

June 30, 2021

Now is the time to share an overview of the North American cranberry crop and market situation for 2021.

In Quebec and Wisconsin, winter was fairly perfect. Not much intense cold, little snow, no surprise thaws. The plants were therefore very comfortable this winter. However, in Quebec, we enjoyed an early spring, given the heat and the small amount of snow. Because of this, the cranberry plants, like the blueberries, saw their progress accelerate. This had the effect of exposing the fields to intense frost just as they began to be in a more vulnerable growth stage. It is possible to protect the cranberry fields from freezing, but the cold was strong enough to cause some damage. Fortunately, this damage was limited to small areas. Our fields generally have good to very good potential. Currently, the plants are starting to flower; this is unheard of at such an early date. Hopefully, these conditions will translate into a nice calibre of fruit and that will maximize yields. The last success factor to consider is pollination. Conditions are looking good so far, but much remains to be done as flower pollination will extend from mid-June to early July.

In Massachusetts, the fields are looking beautiful and, apart from a few overnight frosts, there is nothing special to report. The season there is late, to the point where Quebec and Massachusetts are at the same stage. Normally there is a difference of 10-14 days between the two regions. Massachusetts received a fair amount of rain two weeks ago which has replenished the water supply, and which will hopefully be sufficient to complete the 2021 production season.

In New Brunswick, following an early spring, the temperature cooled for several days and the fields are therefore following a normal timeline. Last year, the region experienced severe drought for most of the summer, but this does not appear to be affecting the coming season. The drier conditions last year appear to have boosted the production of flowering buds and the potential of the fields looks very good.

Inventory Situation

As you may have heard, the 2020 conventional cranberry harvest in North America experienced very low yields, resulting in a sharp decline in inventory for the third consecutive year. The industry has the lowest cranberry inventory since 2010. This situation is likely to be rather tricky for a number of dried fruit processors who will have to fall back quickly on fruit from the 2021 harvest to meet customer demand.

At Fruit d’Or we have a good amount of inventory, which should position us well to meet customer needs. The same goes for organic cranberries: we're in a healthy position to supply both the growing demand and meet emerging needs.

Review of Decas Cranberry Products, Inc. Acquisition

Last March, Fruit d’Or consolidated its status of major player of the global cranberry and wild blueberry scene, and worldwide leader of the organic industry. The transaction will enhance Fruit d’Or’s leading role on the North American and international scenes. This acquisition supports the objective of strengthening Fruit d’Or’s positioning and will help meet the high international demand for berries. To remain a leader in our field, we must constantly create new opportunities and focus on innovation. Together, we will be well positioned to bring our berries to new heights.

On behalf of the entire team at Fruit d'Or, we wish you your most successful summer yet.

Anne Létourneau Vice-President of Sales, Ingredients Division

It’s the simple everyday things that make our berries so tender, tasty, healthy and give them the perfect texture. Each parcel of land we farm with care and respect. Each extra day we wait to ensure crops are harvested at peak ripeness. Each minute saved between field and freezer. Each berry perfectly preserved. Each unwanted substance detected and eliminated. And each delicious bite our customers enjoy.

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