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Cranberries of Exceptional Quality

News & Blog

September 16, 2020

We are pleased to share with you an overview of the current harvest situation and the state of the market of the cranberry, our golden fruit.

In Quebec, the cranberry harvest has just begun, and we anticipate fruits of exceptional quality. Our cranberries have benefited from both important periods of heat and recent cooler temperatures, two factors that help produce fruits of optimal colour and size.

Yields look promising for conventional crops; however, mixed results are expected for organic ones because of the particular challenges they face, notably in terms of insect pest control. Harvesting always begins with early varieties and continues with other ones such as the Stevens, for which harvest is scheduled to begin on October 6. We will therefore not be able to assess our crop yields before the end of October.

Yields in the United States

As you know, the United States has experienced low harvests over the past two years, resulting in an important drop in inventories. Although the next harvest looks promising, the expected volume will not be sufficient to stabilize frozen fruit inventories, which still remain exceptionally low.

A quick word on market impact

In both Canada and the United States, yields are expected to be good but not exceptional. As for Quebec cranberries, their quality is guaranteed to be outstanding. We also anticipate stable prices over the medium and long term, at a level comparable to last fall.

The entire Fruit d’Or team wishes you a most prolific fall.

Anne Létourneau Vice-President of Sales - Ingredients Division

It’s the simple everyday things that make our berries so tender, tasty, healthy and give them the perfect texture. Each parcel of land we farm with care and respect. Each extra day we wait to ensure crops are harvested at peak ripeness. Each minute saved between field and freezer. Each berry perfectly preserved. Each unwanted substance detected and eliminated. And each delicious bite our customers enjoy.

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