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Fruit d’Or, Precursor in its farming practices, La Nouvelle Union

News & Blog

The company Fruit d’Or has been awarded the Precursor award for farming practices to honour its approach to organic cranberry cultivation. The DUX Gala brings together some 500 industry professionals and recognizes the best food initiatives. About 20 prizes were handed out this year in three main categories: products, communications and projects.

The DUX Gala celebrates audacity and action by recognizing leadership in promoting healthy eating habits. It is a widespread movement of leaders working to enrich the food offering, environment and options available in order to improve health and vitality within the population.

Fruit d’Or is driven by sustainable agriculture and preserving all the goodness of the fruit. This vision is reflected at every stage, from growing the fruit to the client experience. Through its environmental practices, organic agriculture protects biodiversity and natural resources. It responds to health concerns and the growing consumer demand for healthy, natural and non-GMO products, while contributing to the environment through sustainable rural development.

Becoming a trailblazer in organic cranberry cultivation has taken a lot of patience! Growing organic cranberries requires more attention to detail, because no synthetic fertilizers or pesticides are used and weeding is done by hand. Fruit d’Or has developed a unique preparation process that’s longer and slower that preserves as many of the fruit’s benefits as possible. That’s why their retail brand is called “Patience Fruit & Co.”


It’s the simple everyday things that make our berries so tender, tasty, healthy and give them the perfect texture. Each parcel of land we farm with care and respect. Each extra day we wait to ensure crops are harvested at peak ripeness. Each minute saved between field and freezer. Each berry perfectly preserved. Each unwanted substance detected and eliminated. And each delicious bite our customers enjoy.

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