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Optimistic Forecasts Despite a Worrisome Winter

Overview of the 2024 North American Cranberry Market and Harvest Situation

News & Blog

June 27, 2024 Cranberry pre-crop report

After a previous season with variable weather that impacted crop volumes from one region to another, the crop year 2024 seems more promising with a potentially more abundant harvest.

In Canada

For Quebec, this winter has been surprising with significant warm spells that sometimes melted the ice on the fields. This temperature variability has raised concerns among growers, fearing more fragile buds. The last frosts in April have stabilized the situation on the farms, and the fields seem to be in good condition.

The situation is similar for New Brunswick and the Maritimes.

In organic farming, the season will be difficult due to the strong presence of pest insects. Teams are mobilized to manage this issue and minimize its impact on the crops.

All in all, the conditions are favorable for the start of pollination and the flowering period.

In the United States

In Massachusetts, while the winter was relatively mild, there was a significant snowfall event in February that covered the bogs and brought seasonable temperatures for a portion of the month. So far, the temperature remains stable, without recent significant precipitation to affect the plants. If the summer remains mild, the harvest could surpass previous ones.

In Wisconsin, the largest cranberry-producing state, damage from the cold months could have greatly affected the harvest. However, some of the damaged fields appear to have made some recovery from winter damage, and the flowering looks good.

Market Situation

Following a year of low harvest, inventories could return to near normal if this fall's harvest is as good as we hoped. The volume and processing capacities for 2024 should lead to a slight increase in the price of dried cranberries. An update on the situation will be published in September when forecasts are more precise. In the meantime, it is recommended to secure your orders as soon as possible with our sales team.

Questions? Please contact our sales team.

It’s the simple everyday things that make our berries so tender, tasty, healthy and give them the perfect texture. Each parcel of land we farm with care and respect. Each extra day we wait to ensure crops are harvested at peak ripeness. Each minute saved between field and freezer. Each berry perfectly preserved. Each unwanted substance detected and eliminated. And each delicious bite our customers enjoy.

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